“You are very knowledgeable in the food sector and your approach is amazing. It is refreshing to find someone that strives to understand the nuances of the business. The industry is lucky to have a resource in you that understands the food industry, our challenges, and especially some of the misinformation out there in the public.”
— Chiquita / Fresh Express, Mike Burness, Executive Vice President, Global Quality & Food Safety
“Lisa first contacted me when I was the Associate Commissioner for Foods at the U.S. FDA with a request to discuss the new Food Protection Plan that we had launched at the end of 2007. I was instantly impressed by her understanding of the subject matter. She had not only done her home work on the topic and why it was important, but came to the interview armed with many very thoughtful, probing and detailed questions. However, she remained very focused during the discussion being acutely aware of the audience she was writing for. Clearly Lisa was interested in the topic in general but she had a job to do, and as such recognized that that those subsequently reading her column had specific areas of interest – especially how new legislative proposals could impact their business. The product Lisa published based on the interview was a masterpiece in which she had captured the key facts, and not only got them correct, but added important interpretive elements for her audience. Subsequent interactions and interviews with Lisa have supported this first impression of someone who is not only highly professional but also produces a highly polished and accurate product.”
— FDA, David Acheson M.D., former Associate Commissioner for Foods; now Managing Director, Food and Import Safety, Leavitt Partners
“I just finished reading your cover story on The Chef’s Garden and Farmer Lee Jones and I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your piece. Your writing is as crisp as Farmer’s veggies, and as colorful:-) I loved how you used the old world/new technology metaphor, it grabbed me from the cover cut line and had me reading the entire article before I could even pour a cuppa this a.m. And the photos/layout are fantastic, too:-) Thanks so much for a great early-morning read!”
— Institute for Food Safety and Health/Illinois Institute of Technology, Julie Larson Bricher, Communications Manager
“Lisa is an excellent writer and reliable professional. You can count on her to manage projects effectively and efficiently with as much as or as little guidance as needed.”
Top qualities: Personable, Good Value, On Time
— Ecolab, Renee Munro, Director, Global Brand & Communications
“Lisa understands the industry and needs little direction to take a project and run with it. When I need a well written piece she’s one of the few I prefer to work with.”
Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, Good Value
— Copesan, Susan Amore, E-Learning Manager
“Thanks for the copies of the QA magazine which features MillerCoors. It’s a great article which captures our discussion very well. It was a pleasure working with you.”
— MillerCoors, Warren R. D. Quilliam, Vice President Quality
“Lisa brings enthusiasm, creativity and commitment to every project she tackles. Lisa had worked for me at a previous position and post that position, I have hired her for freelance writing and project management. I highly recommend Lisa as her writing skills, ability to remain on budget and end product have exceeded my expectations.”
— Freeman Exhibit Services, Cindy Provencher, National Accounts Director/Corporate Accounts